
Turku University Hospital, Department of Oncology
"I warmly recommend Adelaide and her English language revision services. She's skilled with the terms used in the medical field and in the field of clinical cancer research. Texts were revised rapidly and accurately, and she's a fantastic person to work with. Highly recommended."

Åbo Akademi University/ Department of Speech and Language Pathology
For many years, Ms. Adelaide Lönnberg has edited our research group´s manuscripts for scientific journals in the field of speech and language pathology. She is very skilled, quick, efficient, keeps to the agreed time schedules, and her work has high quality. In addition she is a very kind person. It is a great pleasure to recommend her work!
Pirkko Rautakoski, PhD, SLP

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Voin lämpimästi suositella Adelaidea kielentarkistuksen tekijäksi. Olen tehnyt yhteistyötä Adelaiden kanssa yli kymmenen vuoden ajan ja hän on tarkastanut mm. väitöskirjani sekä useita tieteellisiä artikkeleita ja konferenssipapereita. Lisäksi Adelaide tarkistaa kaikki ’Turvallinen Liikenne 2025’ -konsortiohankkeeseen liittyvät englanninkieliset materiaalit, kuten nettisivun sisällön, raporttien abstraktit sekä muut projekteihin liittyvät julkaisut.

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
I share with my colleagues the great pleasure of having Adelaide as our editor in all our scientific texts in English. During the many years we have worked with her, she has been a godsend help with high quality, prompt and quick text editions. She has been able to teach us, engineers, even a bit of social skills. She is highly appreciated professionally and a lovely person.
Harri Peltola
Principal Scientist

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
For more than 20 years, Ms. Adelaide Lönnberg has edited my manuscripts for scientific journals in the field of driver behaviour and traffic safety. I have greatly appreciated her skills in scientific writing and required terminology. She always pays thorough attention to the content of manuscripts and provides useful advice on the most suitable wording. In addition to her exceptional linguistic skills, her efficiency and flexibility have been much appreciated. It is a great pleasure to recommend her excellent services.
Juha Luoma, Ph.D.

Aalto University
I have written scientific texts for more than three decades. My field is mechanics. Adelaide Lönnberg has been making corrections to my texts since the mid 90s. During this time I have been forced also to use other proofreaders since the companies and institutions I have worked for have made contracts with other proofreaders. Therefore, I can compare Adelaide Lönnberg with several other proofreaders. I have been very satisfied with her work. The reasons for that are very clear:

MIKES Centre for Metrology and Accreditation
Adelaide on tehnyt kielenterkistusta moniin meidän tieteellisiin julkaisuihimme ja väitöskirjaani. Hän on aina tehnyt työnsä nopeasti, huolellisesti ja ammattitaidolla. Hän hallitsee hyvin tekniikan alan termit ja tieteellisiin julkaisuihin vaadittavan kirjoitustyylin. Kielellisen ammattitaidon lisäksi arvostan hänen joustavuuttaan ja yhteistyökykyään. Kielentarkistus on saatu tehtyä joskus hyvinkin tiukalla aikataululla.

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Adelaide does an excellent job in scientific editing. In the past 10 years she has edited e.g. my doctoral dissertation, scientific articles, technical reports and conference papers. She knows transport related terminology well. She is quick and efficient and keeps to the agreed time schedules. In addition, she is a charming and warm personality. It is a pleasure to recommend her work.